Bolsa exprimible de remolacha, hinojo y col rizada, puré de comida para bebés vegetariana 100% orgánica
Tomamos remolachas rojas vibrantes, agregamos hinojo salado y nutritivo : col rizada densa, mezclamos ¡Agregue algunos puerros y frijoles negros para obtener energía proteica, y sazone con albahaca y un toque de comino para darle vida a esta mezcla sabrosa, colorida y nutritiva!
Combinaciones de alimentos para bebés como esta continúan desarrollando y ampliando el paladar de su hijo al diversificar su experiencia gustativa con combinaciones culinarias llenas de nutrición. Se introducen hierbas y especias adicionales para proporcionar beneficios óptimos para la salud y mejorar el sabor.
I have digestive issues, so I sometimes eat these pouches as they are easier for me digest. This was my first time trying this brand. I normally eat the fruit varieties, so I had it chilled and was a little offput by the savory flavor. Admittedly, I didn't read the ingredients. I just saw beets and thought it would be sweet. I think it would probably taste better warm. I would definitely try it again. However, as an experienced mom, I find the flavor a little strong for baby food. If it was chunky, it might be suitable for an older child though.
One of the best tasting baby foods around! My family loves this flavor. I like it so much, I slso eat it as a healthy snack!
I ordered two flavors of this product:
- curry vegetable mango
- beets fennel kale
You're obviously no longer in Bland Baby Food Land with this product! All ingredients are healthy, and the taste is good … which of course doesn't mean that your toddler will eat it. That said, I had my eldest on Amy's enchiladas by the time she was two years old, so why not? It is certainly worth a try!
It might be helpful if a variety pack were an option so parents could test out the various flavors on their young one.
Bonus Feature: This company was founded by two dads who created their own recipes to feed their son.
We started buying Kekoa products for the kids... but now the whole family enjoys these delicious pouches for snacks on the go, in bag lunches, and after workouts. Flavorful and satisfying! I can't recommend enough.
I tried Kekoa because I like the idea of introducing my kids to tasty flavors like ginger, before they're ready to eat "adult food". I love ginger myself and thought it would be a cool way to get the kids use to the taste early. When it arrived, I sampled it out of curiosity and found it to be delicious. And it's just the right level of ginger too. I eat apple sauce all the time and was shocked to discover that I liked Kekoa's better than my usual Mott's! May have to order a separate box for the kids!
Hinojo*, Remolacha*, Manzana*, Agua, Puerro*, Col Rizada*, Frijoles Negros*, Albahaca*, Vinagre Balsámico*, Concentrado de Limón*, Comino Molido*.
Remolacha, hinojo y col rizada:
• Hinojo rico en fibra y vitaminas y remolacha vibrante
• Col rizada rica en nutrientes
• Proteína de hinojo y frijoles negros
• El suave sabor a regaliz/anís del hinojo contribuye a desarrollar un paladar aventurero.
• Certificado orgánico por el USDA.
• Orgánico también garantiza ingredientes no transgénicos.
• El embalaje no contiene BPA y tiene una tapa reciclable y segura para niños.
La remolacha ofrece vitaminas y minerales esenciales como vitamina C, B6, hierro, potasio y magnesio.
La col rizada es popular por su densidad de nutrientes y a los pequeños les encantará tenerla en sus bolsas de comida para bebés.
Rico en vitamina C y minerales como el calcio para favorecer la buena salud ósea.
Bolsas de comida para bebés orgánica, para que puedas sentirte seguro con la comida que le das a tu pequeño guerrero.
Las bolsitas para bebés de Kekoa Food están hechas de un embalaje sin BPA con una tapa segura para niños.

Hinojo salado
Rico en vitamina C y minerales como el calcio para favorecer la buena salud ósea.

Bueno para ti las remolachas
La remolacha ofrece vitaminas y minerales esenciales como vitamina C, B6, hierro, potasio y magnesio.