Episode One | Drs. Nicole Avena & Danny Auld Discuss Sugar Addiction & the Science of Healthy Eating

In this episode, Drs. Nicole and Danny explore how food influences the brain, tackle the challenges parents face, and offer practical tips for training our little ones' palates to enjoy healthier meals.

Stay tuned, as each week we’ll be releasing additional segments leading up to Episode 2.

Teaser Trailer: A Conversation with Dr. Nicole Avena (:20s)

How can we capitalize on what we know about how food affects the brain?

Ep. 1: A Conversation with Dr. Nicole Avena (Full Ep. 36m:24s)

The full conversation between Drs. Nicole Avena & Danny Auld (Kekoa Foods co-founder)

Ep. 1: The One Thing Parents Should Do From the Start (1m:10s)

Dr. Nicole Avena shares the #1 thing parents should do from the start.

Ep. 1: Health as a Long-Term Concept (:41s)

Dr. Nicole Avena dives into one of the biggest challenges parents face.

Ep. 1: How Sugar Affects the Brain (1m:18s)

Science shows that what kids eat directly affects their mood, focus, and energy levels.

Ep. 1: Alternative Sweeteners (:48s)

Dr. Nicole Avena explores alternative sweeteners and whether they’re a healthier choice.

Ep. 1: Retraining Palates to Enjoy Spices (:37s)

Dr. Nicole Avena talks about how we can retrain our palates.

Ep. 1: Never Ask the Question 'What Do You Want to Eat'? (:47s)

Instead, Dr. Nicole suggests taking a different approach.

Ep. 1: Sugars & Added Sugars are the Problem (3m:54s)

Is your child struggling to pay attention in class? Do they have trouble sitting still? The culprit might be sugar.

Ep. 1: Leaning Into a Child's Preferences (1m:09s)

How to lean into kids' favorite healthy foods as a launch point for expanding their palate.

Ep. 1: How Many Forms of Added Sugar Are There? (1m:29s)

Find out the surprising amount of different forms of added sugar there are.

Ep. 1: Discussing the 'Why' Behind Healthy Eating (2m:11s)

We can’t always be there to guide our kids' food choices, but we can equip them with the knowledge to make healthier decisions on their own.

Ep. 1: Learning to Like Certain Foods is a Process (2m:05s)

Shifting our mindset (and language) around food can help kids develop a healthier relationship with what’s on their plate.

Ep. 1: Negative Contrast (1m:19s)

By gradually reducing sugar, we can break the cycle and help our kids (and ourselves!) appreciate the natural flavors of real food.

Ep. 1: Danny Talks About Food Learning (1m:06s)

Danny shares his perspective on food learning, the idea that developing a taste for nutritious foods is a process, just like any other habit.

Ep. 1: Words Matter (1m:03s)

The way we talk about food shapes the way our kids think about it.

Add Any 6-, 12-, 36-packs & Special Bundles to Your Cart

We invite you to begin exploring a healthier way to feed your little ones! Try any of our delicious and nutritious, palate-expanding, flavors below.

Apple & Ginger Squeeze Pouch, 100% Organic Vegetarian Baby Food Purée

Apple & Ginger

Our Apple & Ginger pouch has simple ingredients with just enough adventure
Beets, Fennel & Kale Squeeze Pouch, 100% Organic Vegetarian Baby Food Purée

Beets, Fennel & Kale

Beets, Fennel & Kale is a tasty, colorful, nutritious blend
Curry Vegetable Mango Squeeze Pouch, 100% Organic Vegetarian Baby Food Purée

Curry Vegetable Mango

Curry Vegetable Mango provides a hearty, tasty meal without any heat

Beets and Mango Starter Pack

Our Beets and Mango Starter Pack includes 12 total baby pouches

Taste Training Explorer Bundle

The Taste Training Explorer Bundle includes 36 pouches in all